Have you seen “The Pork Cutlets?” This short two episode comedy K-drama premiered on July 5-6, 2024 on MBC and Viki, is hilarious.😂 The story follows the lives of the residents of Onghwa Village. Focus mostly on the village chief Jung Ja-Wang (Jung Sang-Hoon), a man who takes pride in his virility.
Jung Ja-Wang’s wife Lim Shin-Ae (Jeon Hye-Bin) becomes pregnant again, despite already having three sons. When they discover it’s another boy, Shin-Ae orders Ja-Wang to get a vasectomy. ✂️ 😅Meanwhile, Ja-Wang’s childhood friend Deok San (Lee Joong-Ok) begins to desire the position of village head for himself.
Two other males in the neighborhood are facing similar challenges. The village dog Baek Gu is a Casanova dog facing sterilization. He is the father of many puppies around the village. The second male facing distress is a young boy getting circumcised. All three males find their manhood under attack.
Jung Sang-Hoon and Jeon Hye-Bin, is a married couple in real-life. Therefore their chemistry is off the charts as they play the lead roles of Jung Ja-Wang and Lim Shin-Ae. The drama unveils their unexpected crisis while navigating Ja-Wang’s impending medical procedure.
Despite its short episode span “The Pork Cutlets” delivers plenty of laughs. The talented cast elevates the comedic premise of the show, and the village antics are refreshing. Overall it’s a genuine entertaining watch for fans of short, lighthearted K-dramas.
Don’t miss it! 💖
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